cathedrale saint-louis martinique

Saint Louis Cathedral

Built on rocky foundations, the Church of Saint Louis is one of the few buildings to have resisted the 1839 earthquake that devastated the city. Reconstructed, it is enlarged on the ruins of an old cemetery nearby.In 1850, with the creation of the bishopric, the church became the Saint-Louis Cathedral of Fort-de-France. In 1854, it…

Built on rocky foundations, the Church of Saint Louis is one of the few buildings to have resisted the 1839 earthquake that devastated the city. Reconstructed, it is enlarged on the ruins of an old cemetery nearby.
In 1850, with the creation of the bishopric, the church became the Saint-Louis Cathedral of Fort-de-France. In 1854, it was inaugurated with great fervor. In 1890, the city is on fire and the church is totally destroyed.

The architect Pierre-Henri Picq was then commissioned to build a place of worship capable of resisting fire, hurricanes and fires.
The present cathedral was inaugurated in 1895 by Monseigneur Carméné, and since then, apart from a few modifications in the interior layout and the renovation of the furniture, only the bell tower has been rebuilt.
Inside there are magnificent stained glass windows and the exterior façade is almost unchanged.

Illustrious people such as the Marquis d’ERAGNY or the Count de BLENAC, were buried there in the 17th century, but the exact location of their graves is still unknown.

The Saint-Louis Cathedral of Fort-de-France, remains the privileged place of worship of the faithful foyalais, who participate in number and fervor in all the offices that punctuate the religious and social life of the city.

Saint Louis CathedralSaint Louis Cathedral

Rue Victor Schoelcher, Fort-de-France 97200, Martinique

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